
Alves is looking forward to April

Friday 1 April 2011

Dani Alves spoke with the FC Barcelona official site about his recent contract extension, the approcahing end of the season and the upcoming match agaisnt Villarreal. Here are some interesting excerpts.

he said: 
"I want to make my own history with Barça"
Alves hopes that someday he might carry the same weight within the club as Xavi or Puyol. To this end he’ll work hard to make history just like them at Barça: "I can’t compare myself with these players, as they have a long history in the club. I want to write my own history with Barça, Based on hard work I’ll fight to make people change their minds about Brazilian players who leave by the back door after only two or three years at the Club". Alves also said that he doesn’t see himself playing for Real Madrid when he finishes his time at Barça: "It would be disrespectful. Before that I’d return to Brazil, if that was the only option". 
about money:"There are things more important than money"
  Regarding the details of his recent renovation with Barça, Alves confirmed what he had told Barça TV and www.fcbarcelona.cat : that the renewal was a dream come true: "I am very happy. Despite what was said at the time, the money issue wasn’t fundamental. There are more important things, such as feeling valued within the Club. My family is very happy in Barcelona and so am I".

trophy target this time:  "Not winning a trophy would be a disappointment"
The high standard exhibited by Barça all season, and their competitive spirit, have made Alves optimistic, and demanding, about the expectations of the team this season: "Not winning any trophy would be a big disappointment. For the way we’ve played, how we’ve competed, if we don’t win any of the three trophies we’re fighting for would be really disappointing. But I’m 100% confident about the team and if we carry on down this road, I’m sure we’ll achieve something very important".


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